Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Union Organizer Honored For Exceptional Career

Friday, November 28, 2008
How Will Wal-Mart Spin This?
Lines began to form as early as 10pm on Thanksgiving night. Lured by cheap prices for flat screen televisions and other consumer electronics witnesses say the crowd grew to over 2,000 people by morning. With secret in-store bargains enough for only the most desperate shoppers, WalMart associates found themselves the victims of the mega-corporations advertising hype. At 5am doors opened marking the beginning of the holiday shopping rush.
Surveillance cameras will undoubtedly reveal what happened when the crowd surged forward at the start of the aptly named Door-Buster Sale. As a result, at least one family will not be celebrating this Christmas. Video of the scene shows paramedics performing CPR on the man. He died minutes after Wal-Mart opened for their Black Friday Door Buster Sale.
No doubt the Wal-Mart War Room is filled with executives discussing how to spin this story. Instead of admitting they cut corners and hired too few security guards look for Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott to lay blame on the employee, local police or the struggling economy. Scott is set to retire on January 31st, 2009 to the relief of stockholders. He has a reputation for deflecting any criticism onto lower level associates. Reps are probably already in the field planting stories and pressuring local politicians like Wal-Mart has been known to do when community groups appose the opening of a mega-store in their neighborhood.
One thing is for sure, Wal-Mart won’t be calling it a “Black Friday Door Buster Sale” next year.” Look for them to have a much more peaceful name like “Early Bird Customer Appreciation Holiday Sale.” What do you bet they have a moment of silence for the fallen employee and lots and lots of security guards on hand? They might also finally close the store to the delight of many in the community. After all, out of sight out of mind right?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Author Offers Rebate for Destroying Competitor’s Books
For Immediate Release
Contact: Bob Oedy
Union Organizer Press
(818) 882-4364
Author Offers Rebate for Destroying Competitor’s Books
organizing books that provide no real world solutions. He offers a $10 rebate for the destruction of any competitor’s book to be used toward the purchase of his own book Bigger Labor; A Crash Course for Construction Union Organizers. All buyers need to do to receive the rebate is tear the cover off of any union organizing book and mail it in. The rebate offer is limited to one cover per copy purchased and represents a 50% discount off the retail price.
For more information go to .
New Hampshire to Dilute Diploma
My feeling is that it sells students short by depriving them of the education they need and deserve. Lowering the standards is not the answer to high drop-out rates and increasing education costs. Such a plan will only dilute the value of a
Here is what needs to be done instead........
Reinstitute shop classes and skilled trade related training. Reform the education system by investing in entrepreneurial and life skills. Give students choices in their own curriculum and then get out of their way.Monday, November 10, 2008
Another Grim Holiday for Workers at Circuit City

You may recall that last year around this same time I participated in a boycott against
In the last 12 months customers have complained about returns not being accepted and store warrantees not being honored. Store warranties are a lucrative part of any electronics retailer business model. With experienced salespeople replaced with less experienced sales staff, sales of the warranties collapsed.
The stock market and slowing economy dealt a final blow leaving management no choice but to capitulate. Sales this holiday season are expected to be the lowest they’ve been in decades. The problems are likely to spread to other companies like Hewlett Packard which is owed more than a 100 million dollars by the retailer. The value of commercial properties owned by Circuit City has also dropped.Sunday, November 2, 2008
Project Labor Agreement Adopted

Union Workers Support Obama

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Who Is Joe The Plumber???
In tonight’s final presidential debate "Joe the Plumber" was invoked by Senator McCain over and over. It was the Republican's last ditch effort to reach out to America's dwindling middle-class. The one group he ignored in all the other debates.
“Let me talk to you Joe the plumber” he said staring in to the camera. McCain looked angry tonight. He was clearly agitated and rolled his eyes often. He seemed frustrated by Senator Obama’s coolness under pressure. While Obama focused on economic issues, McCain focused on how his feelings were hurt during the campaign. He wanted Obama to take the bait about Sara Palin not being up to the task of the presidency. Instead he was gracious and calm. McCain looked foolish defending her credentials.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Annual Union Picnic

The IBEW Local 11, 10th Annual Local-Wide Picnic took place at the LA Police Revolver and Athletic Club on Saturday September 27th. This family event includes games, food, prizes, Bingo, rock climbing, horse-shoe tournament, etc. The weather was great! Two In-And-Out Burger trucks providing free hamburgers to all that attended. Organizing committee volunteers served free cotton-candy to over 500 people.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sounding The Economy Alarm
Suddenly everyone is talking about how bad the economy is doing. Most American workers have felt it at the pump or the grocery store. Many of us have been cutting back on nonessentials since the first rumblings back in May. Today however a noticeable change has taken place. The President of the
On the television and radio the economy is the topic of the day. Here in
I remember while on vacation in
President Bush has never shown much mastery of domestic issues. Like his father before him he always tried to convince a weary public that the economy was expanding, when all indications were that it wasn’t. If he seemed out-of-touch it was because he was optimistic when everyone knew better. Remember his astonishment at hearing gas would soon hit $4 per gallon. Imagine an oil-man being unaware of the price of a gallon of gas. Everyone else was only too familiar with the pain at the pump.
This time however is different. He looked more like a sweaty Richard Nixon than a calm John F. Kennedy. His insistence that the market would suffer without passage of his bailout dared naysayers to dig in their heels to find out.
A friend emailed his congressman to express his opposition to the bailout. I did the same thing. In fact I called the congressman’s office as well. If you took the Presidential Address as a call to action I would like to hear from you. I’m glad I made my son watch the Presidential Address. This was an historic event. Presidents don’t usually risk an all out panic.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Presidential Address Marks Panic
Munching on Bagel-Bites and tator tots we watched what just might be the most historic primetime address by the worst president of all time.
George W. Bush looked nervous; almost in a panic as he stared into the teleprompter reading his canned lines. His forehead and nose were crinkled like a guy on a sunny beach with no sunglasses.
Bush accepted zero responsibility for eight years of runaway spending and wholesale deregulation of financial markets. There was no apology. He blamed you the American worker for purchasing homes you could not afford. He blamed faulty lending rules and greedy mortgage bankers. Everyone is to blame it seems but his administration.
He issued dire warnings about what could happen in the coming weeks to American workers if his plan was not put in place. “The entire economy is in danger right now,” he warned. “Millions of Americans could lose their jobs.” Money market funds could evaporate, banks could stop lending, stocks could tumble, the value of your house could disappear, seniors stand to lose everything they have, unless that is………. you give 700 billion dollars to one man with the power to do with it as he sees fit, with no oversight. That’s his plan. No really. That’s his plan. I’m not making this up…..
This was not the cocky, angry George W. Bush we’ve all come to expect. This was a tense Bush, with out something to fall back on like “patriotism” or “the war on terror.” “The market is not functioning properly” he added. “Not passing this emergency plan would cost more later.”
More than 700 billion dollars? I doubt it.
This is the same guy who warned us about the weapons of mass destruction. The same guy who told us the energy spikes in the weeks before the Enron scandal were caused byTuesday, September 23, 2008
700 Billion Dollars for CEO’s
The proposed 700 Billion Dollar Bail-Out will be the biggest scam ever pulled on the American public. If you thought Enron was a crime. If you thought the Iraq War was a complete disaster. If you thought the government's response to Hurricane Katrina was heartbreaking. If you thought the price at the pump was outrageous. If you thought the Stimulus Package was a waste. You ain’t seen nothin yet.
I’ll tell you how we got here….. Eight years of conservative leadership. They lied about wanting limited government. They lied about believing in fiscal responsibility. They lied about helping
Now they say we have to bail out the financial system or our pensions and retirement savings will be wiped out. When was the last time you read your 401K Statement? Chances are you already lost 20 percent since the beginning of the year. Every time you fill your tank you’re losing more money. The price of your groceries has gone up 40%. The value of your home if you are lucky to own one has dropped like a rock. So much for your retirement plans.
Have you any idea how many schools or hospitals could be built with 700 billion dollars?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Book Review for Bigger Labor

Building Trades News, August 2008, Volume 13, No. 8
Bigger Labor: A Crash Course for Construction Union Organizers
By Bob Oedy
Union Organizer Press, 2008
While there are many books available in union organizing, none directly spoke to organizers in the construction trade or were written by a union organizer. Until now. Bob Oedy, a veteran organizer with IBEW Local 11 has just written a primer for construction union organizers based on his years of experience in IBEW 11.
“Virtually all the books on the subject of organizing have been written by management, attorneys or academic’s with zero field experience organizing. This has always bothered me” said Oedy. “In some cases the people who are actually driving the discussion are from entirely different industries! They have no idea the challenges that construction organizers face.”
Bigger Labor is a comprehensive guide book to construction organizing best practices. It covers everything from what to do on a picket line to tips on visiting jobsites, effective handbilling, dealing with police, building a banner, salting, as well as extensive communication tips for every situation from following up with potential recruits and effectively getting your point across at public hearings.
“I’ve heard from organizers all over the country who were given a quick drive around their jurisdiction and handed the keys to the office and expected to figure it out. That’s who this book was written for; the new organizer who wants to get up to speed quickly and get a handle on who’s doing what work and where. He or she doesn’t need to know every detail about common-situs picketing or the Moore Dry Dock case,” Oedy said. “It’s how do we access more jobsites and what do we do when someone chases us off a job? How can we make a database of all the contractors and craft workers and keep in touch with them over time? What can we put on a flyer without getting the union sued? What should we do and not do when speaking at a city council meeting? I believe this book will help organizers everywhere be more effective. No legal jargon, just everyday street language, I think most organizers will appreciate that.”
Bigger Labor will help new and veteran organizers alike avoid common mistakes and pitfalls. Oedy has made many of them, and he recounts some of those mistakes in the book so others can learn from them, such as his harsh introduction to the importance of listening that he learned as a young organizer:
Oedy credited the highly successful organizing department of Local 11, which has organized nearly 50 new contractors in the last year alone and the leadership of the Local with providing him training and guidance without which he couldn’t have written the book. This is the first of ten books he plans to write which he hopes will be help union construction organizer reach what he sees as a bright future: “The labor movement has a chance for explosive growth in the next few years. The Baby Boomers are retiring, and young people are choosing college more now then in the past. This will create a shortage of skilled craft workers thereby driving up the wages for those who choose construction as their trade. If unions can bring in enough contractors and meet the growing demands for apprenticeship training we can expect to see union density reach record levels.”
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Conference Hits Jackpot

What’s your idea of a great organizing conference? For me it would be upbeat and fun while providing useful knowledge that could be put immediately to use. It would be at a nice location, easily accessible from an airport. Top industry achievers would be there and everyone would have a variety of opportunities to get to know each other, share experiences and ask questions. One last thing, the waitress at the buffet would slip me a coupon for a free meal. That really happened. It’s funny how free food always seems to taste better then food you have to pay for.
This year’s IBEW Membership Development Conference was held at Bally’s in
My own local union, Local 11 was recognized for signing the most electrical contractors. In a 2 year period 75 new contractors became signatory. These are record breaking gains that only a few years ago would have seemed impossible.
Conference planners did an outstanding job providing useful presentations. My favorite was Peter Cockshaw an expert on labor-related issues. I’ve seen him speak before on construction industry developments but he was on fire at this event. He didn’t rely on Teleprompters or a script. He just told it like it is. He applauded the union’s commitment to training electrical workers. He denounced the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. for spreading falsehoods about their training being anything close to that of the IBEW. According to Mr. Cockshaw the ABC relies on deceptive use of research to promote itself. This is one of the most important issues requiring organizers attention in his view.
Comedian with a message Bernie McGrenahan provided some much needed levity on Wednesday of the conference. He had everyone busting up but he also shared some touching personal stories. I spoke with him at the reception. Turns out he lives in my neighborhood. You really should check out his website. He’s amazing!
Teamwork among organizers was encouraged on the last day of the conference. A football theme with video interviews of epic coaches provided inspiration. Though not much of a fan of sports, it was really effective and appreciated by the 1300 or so in attendance, myself included. Many of the organizers I spoke with at the conclusion of the conference said it was the best so far.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Labor's Own Think Tank

Saturday, August 9, 2008
2 Million Dollars Recovered for Workers

Monday, July 14, 2008
KB Homes to Declare Bankruptcy?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
KB Homes Shuts Down Sales Gallery

There is speculation that KB Homes is considering changing the name of the project due to the bad publicity from the fire. Let’s face it, the residential market is in terrible shape and these builders are as much to blame for the mortgage crises as the predatory lenders that preyed on unsuspecting buyers. Now they want to hire non-union contractors, pay lower wages to the workers, and put a cheap coat of paint on a project that some industry experts believe should have been demolished. The problem KB Homes faces is buyers are smarter then they were just a few years ago. The popularity of the Internet and availability of information on the Ascent project will make it hard for KB Homes to put a happy face on this stinker. Forget the balloons and the flags; people are going to want answers about the integrity of the building. What corners were cut and how is it that a fire was able to start and spread so fast? How safe would you feel living in a wood structure this poorly managed? Was a fire-watch on duty? Why weren’t extinguishers enough to control the flames before they spread to additional floors?
I believe this is a sign of bigger problems for KB Homes. Sure this is just one project that spun out of control, but what does this say about the company and its leadership. Why was KB Homes CEO Jeffrey Mezger willing to risk bringing in second rate contractors and risk the scorn of their stockholders and customers? What does that say about the man? Amongst the turmoil of the credit markets, and foreclosure activity he decides to lower standards and put the company at more risk? KB Homes has a big problem on its hands. Problems like these are expensive.
Options are limited for the California home builder. The economy is on the ropes, and with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae both suffering staggering losses it’s not hard to see what’s next for KB Homes. That’s right, “BK” aka “bankruptcy.” What other options do they have right now? Sell-off the Ascent at Warner Center project for pennies on the dollar to an apartment management company? This possibility would have been more likely a few years ago when investors were caught up in the buying frenzy and lenders were only too eager to fund risky endeavors. Let’s face it; those days are gone. Today, investors are plagued with debt and there seems to be no end in sight for the slide in real estate prices. No one is calling the bottom yet. Many industry experts believe it could take a year before we even see the bottom and many more before markets recover to their previous state.
Housing markets are in the worst shape they’ve been in since the great depression. Fox News Channel, and the Bush Administration are the only groups touting the resilience of the American Economy these days. No one is taking them seriously. It’s obvious they don’t even believe it themselves. They buy gas like you and I. They see the value of their 401k’s dropping and their medical insurance skyrocketing. Changing the name of the troubled Ascent at Warner Center project and dropping prices to well below cost may be the only option. The problem is; it’s nowhere near completion. This project is so far behind schedule already, there’s no end in sight.
Some will say, “Recessions are nothing new to home builders.” And they’re right. What usually happens in times like these are non-essential staff are let go. Lights are turned-off and sales people are gathered together and given a do-or-die scenario and told, “We’re going to invoke in a brand new sales competition. We’ll have prizes and awards for the top sellers. We’re going to bring in a special motivational speaker and we’re going to Sell Like We’ve Never Sold Before!!! And I know with a little luck and hard work we’re going make it. I just know we are.” But you know what? I don’t think they’re going to make it. Not this time. Not in this market. What do you think???
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Recommended Viewing
Labor Endorses Obama

Endorsement Triggers Largest Ever Mobilization of Working Families AFL-CIO Program to Reach Union Voters Nationwide, 13 Million in 24 Priority States
Calling Sen. Barack Obama a champion for working families, the top leaders of AFL-CIO unions today voted without opposition to endorse him for president of the United States, thrusting the labor federation’s largest ever grassroots mobilization effort into high gear.
“In so many ways―on jobs, health care, gas prices and the war in Iraq―our country is headed in the wrong direction,” AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said. “Barack Obama has proven from his days as an organizer, to his time in the Senate and his historic run for the presidency, that he’s leading the fight to turn around America. He’s a champion for working families who knows what it’s going to take to create an economy that works for everyone, not just Big Oil, Big Pharma, the insurance companies, the giant mortgage lenders, speculators and the very wealthy. We’re proud to stand with Sen. Obama to help our nation chart a course that will improve life for generations of working people and our children.”
In its endorsement statement, the AFL-CIO General Board cited Obama’s strong support of working families on issues such as health care reform, fair trade that will lift up workers here and around the world, retirement security and the freedom to form unions and bargain for middle-class living standards. Obama has a 98 percent voting record on working families’ issues, compared to just 16 percent for Sen. John McCain.
“Senator Barack Obama has secured the nomination of his party in a campaign that has energized millions of Americans and spoken to the hopes and dreams of people from every corner of our nation,” read the AFL-CIO General Board’s statement to endorse Obama. “His leadership can re-engage disenfranchised Americans and bring our country together.” The General Board, which includes presidents of all 56 unions in the federation as well as Executive Council members and representatives of state and local federations, trade departments and constituency groups, votes by per capita membership.
“Senator Obama has advocated a change of direction for our nation that mirrors the priorities of the labor movement,” the statement continued. The endorsement is not only a stamp of approval; it marks the beginning of a huge, united political mobilization among working class voters. The AFL-CIO will focus on mobilizing more than 13 million union voters―including union members, families of members, retirees and members of the AFL-CIO community affiliate Working America―in 24 priority states, working to elect U.S. senators and representatives, as well as state and local candidates.
“We’ll work our hearts out for Barack Obama,” said AFSCME President and AFL-CIO Political Committee Chair Gerald McEntee. “Our program is going to be worker to worker and neighbor to neighbor. We’re ready to mobilize. We’re ready to rock and roll. This country and our people are ready for change.”
Today, the AFL-CIO also launched a new website that provides extensive information on Obama’s background, record and positions (
The endorsement is the latest phase in a massive grassroots program to mobilize union voters. In early March, the AFL-CIO launched its national “McCain Revealed” campaign, which focuses on educating union voters about John McCain’s anti-worker record and plans. Since the campaign began, AFL-CIO volunteers have knocked on more than 60,000 doors and delivered 1.5 million worksite flyers on McCain’s economic record. Nearly a half-million mailers on McCain’s economic positions have been sent to union swing voters in key battlegrounds.
“We want to engage our members and all working people on the need for action on the issues that make a difference in our daily lives," said International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) President Ed Hill. “It is time to move beyond name calling and division so that our country can take positive action on the challenges we face.”
United Steelworkers President Leo W. Gerard said, “Senator Obama’s plan to revitalize American manufacturing and his commitment to make workers the top priority in any trade agreement give our members hope that his election will lead the country in a new direction that’s long overdue, and inspire us to work as never before to secure his victory.”
Elements of the AFL-CIO grassroots mobilization:
The AFL-CIO top-tier states in 2008 are Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
More than 250,000 volunteers will be activated and deployed.
Through Labor Day, volunteers will go to 300,000 union voters’ homes, make more than 300,000 phone calls and distribute over 2 million fliers.
In addition to the presidential election, the AFL-CIO is engaged in every viable Senate race and more than 60 House races. All told, the AFL-CIO will be engaged in more than 510 races nationwide, including state legislative elections.
The unions of the AFL-CIO will collectively devote more than $200 million to the 2008 election.
The 2008 grassroots mobilization is the most sophisticated program the AFL-CIO has ever run, employing cutting-edge voter communication techniques, including micro-targeting to ensure our members are receiving the information they want on the candidates and issues.
Working families are poised to play a pivotal role in this year’s elections. On Election Day, union household members will account for nearly one in four voters nationwide. The campaign in support of Sen. Obama will prove especially helpful among working class voters, which many have identified as the swing group in this election.
In key battleground states such as Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania, union household voters made up between 25 and 35 percent of the total vote in 2006.
In 2004, turnout among registered AFL-CIO union voters was as much as 19 percentage points higher than turnout among nonunion voters in key battleground states.
Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, has expanded to 11 states and will have more than 2.5 million members nationwide by Labor Day. In Ohio alone, Working America has nearly 800,000 members.
Union household voters across all demographics consistently cast votes for pro-working family candidates. For example, in the last presidential election among AFL-CIO members, 61 percent of white voters voted for John Kerry, while 37 percent voted for George Bush. By contrast, among nonunion voters, 41 percent of white voters cast ballots for Kerry while 58 percent voted for Bush
Sunday, May 11, 2008
KB Homes Announces Fire Sale
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
LA Valley College Welcomes Labor Leader

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Construction Careers Policy Adopted

Monday, April 21, 2008
Union Made Movie a Hit!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008
5th Annual Alt Build Expo
Union Made Six Lives Transformed
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Huge Turn Out for LA Workers