What’s your idea of a great organizing conference? For me it would be upbeat and fun while providing useful knowledge that could be put immediately to use. It would be at a nice location, easily accessible from an airport. Top industry achievers would be there and everyone would have a variety of opportunities to get to know each other, share experiences and ask questions. One last thing, the waitress at the buffet would slip me a coupon for a free meal. That really happened. It’s funny how free food always seems to taste better then food you have to pay for.
This year’s IBEW Membership Development Conference was held at Bally’s in
My own local union, Local 11 was recognized for signing the most electrical contractors. In a 2 year period 75 new contractors became signatory. These are record breaking gains that only a few years ago would have seemed impossible.
Conference planners did an outstanding job providing useful presentations. My favorite was Peter Cockshaw an expert on labor-related issues. I’ve seen him speak before on construction industry developments but he was on fire at this event. He didn’t rely on Teleprompters or a script. He just told it like it is. He applauded the union’s commitment to training electrical workers. He denounced the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. for spreading falsehoods about their training being anything close to that of the IBEW. According to Mr. Cockshaw the ABC relies on deceptive use of research to promote itself. This is one of the most important issues requiring organizers attention in his view.
Comedian with a message Bernie McGrenahan provided some much needed levity on Wednesday of the conference. He had everyone busting up but he also shared some touching personal stories. I spoke with him at the reception. Turns out he lives in my neighborhood. You really should check out his website. He’s amazing!
Teamwork among organizers was encouraged on the last day of the conference. A football theme with video interviews of epic coaches provided inspiration. Though not much of a fan of sports, it was really effective and appreciated by the 1300 or so in attendance, myself included. Many of the organizers I spoke with at the conclusion of the conference said it was the best so far.
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