Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is There a Future for Union Organizing?

I disagree with futurist and author Alvin Toffler, who recently predicted that the job of Union Organizer will disappear 20 years from now (By 2027). He was quoted on as also saying, “The labor movement has not come to terms with the knowledge economy at all.”

It’s just not true. The quality of union apprenticeship training has never been better. The building trades are heavily invested in their member’s education. Journeyman upgrade classes are packed with members who want to stay ahead of the industry. Innovation is encouraged; just look at the unions that are training their member’s to become contractors in expanding markets, like the electrical workers are with solar power.

That’s why I started this blog. To discuss the issues we face in construction organizing.

Here’s my prediction: I think progressive labor unions like those of the building trades who encourage innovation are going to come to terms with the value of organizing and rise to dominate the labor movement.

It does make one think though…… Have we invested enough in education? What skill sets will construction workers be required to have in 2027? What challenges will we face in the future?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You and I both know that as long as there are abusive employers there well be a place in organizing. I almost lost heart last year when the grocery clerk took a beating at the table after a long strike...but NOW, Stater Brothers have given raises above the required pay rates and done other things to try to keep their help working for them. The result of this is that the Grocery Workers union has signed a "me too" agreement with the Bros and so now they can pick off one chain at a time and work the system the way the chains illegally worked the system against the unions. If there is hope even for even the grocery industry, there is definitly hope in construction! Keep the Faith go GETEM!!!

Unknown said...

Kudos to Dwayne Moore in Florida for getting 100 percent increase in the number of union signatory electrical housing contractors...good job Dwayne!!! Thank God that THAT motorcycle accident didn't kill him! I think, Dwayne has always known that organizing is NOT a job, it is A MISSION FROM GOD! It is preachin the faith. Remember that Moses' brother Arin was the first organizer and Moses called the first stike and the first WALKOUT, they were slaves, they had jobs, they just didn't like the wages, hours and conditions!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and a lot of Information on this site.
It keeps people like me informed on what is happening.I am almost 70 years old and loosing touch with what is going on.Thank you


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have any trouble imagining what the world would be like when there are no more unions. All I have to do is realise what "King George" HAS done since elected, and it takes really very little imagination to realise HIS dream of the "very rich" and the (VERY POOR) laborer class, with no middle class in between, everybody at each others throats like animals for the jobs that are tossed aside from the rich "Godfathers" in their fancy mansions up on their lofty hills far away from any reality of life. If not for the Union, I would be exactly what they think they want to think of us, that we are just a bunch of uneducated laborers, Grunts if you will, too stupid to better ourselves, and not worthy of their consideration or good will at all! Look around you, and see the propaganda that the Republican political machine is putting out to our younger generation! Most think it would be a sin to be a Democrat?!! Now just where do you think they would get such stupid ideas? Organisers go out to the uneducated workers and start to educate them in the ways of the "Corporate Mentality" that is our common enemy. They reach out with the first hand of Brotherhood that the majority of them have ever seen, since they started trying to work for a living. This sounds like a public service job to me. Or there is always the optimistic viewpoint that all employers will suddenly get a sence of consience and fair play in the world and end the overwhelming need for union brotherhood. After all, if there is no need of a union, there is no need of an organiser, is there?