Wednesday, August 8, 2012

An Open Letter to the Citizens of Crestline

    This letter is in response to an article printed in a local paper July 19, 2012, when a Director of Crestline Sanitation District (CSD) was quoted as saying “I was disappointed the employees felt a need to be represented by a union” and a five percent raise was allotted for employees. Here is a little background for the community.

 When an initiative was put forth for CSD to become independent from the County, every employee was in agreement that the district would be better off.   All the employees contributed to purchase signs that were put up for the break away vote. We gave that money to the candidates running for directors in the event the ballot passed.

    After the ballot passed and CSD broke away from the County employees met with the new Board of Directors.  We asked questions about the future and the Board assured us salaries and benefits would remain the same and the future would be better. They told us they would deal fairly and in “good faith”. We thought this was good and as long as they were open and would deal fairly we did not need the representation by the San Bernardino Public Employees Association that we had.  So we stopped being represented. Presently, a rumor has been circulating that the directors wanted to lower our salary by an average of 200 dollars per pay period, we were perplexed.  This seemed incredible due to the fact that we are the lowest paid employees in our classifications anywhere on the mountain by an average of 20 %. Furthermore the District was putting about 1.3 million dollars into a reserve account bringing it up to about 8 million dollars! 

To date there have been no meetings between the Board and employees since the first one, only secrecy and behind the back planning.  We, the employees are not able to attend the meetings because they are at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and we get off at 4:30.  This and several other notions by the Board brought us to the realization that we needed to be represented.  We chose the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to represent us.  If IBEW representatives had not attended the Board meeting in May we would now be an average of 27 % below local agency pay scales for like classifications.

    Now the 5% offer. The 5 % referred to was put there to give the Board enough room to give increases to some classifications and not others. Some people who are 20 to 30 % below the average might get 9% while others might get 1% or nothing.  We have discussed this and feel it is fair to give an across the board increase to all employees. This keeps morale up and is fair to all. We only wanted a 3 ½% raise due to the increased cost of living.  We did not ask for a salary adjustment to bring us up to what other local agencies are paying. We only asked to be treated fairly and that has not happened.

    The employees of Crestline Sanitation District are a professional and dedicated group of highly skilled people, which 90% of whom live on the mountain. They solve problems that arise during everyday work and under the harsh conditions of mountain winter storms and some very adverse conditions.  The average length of employment is fourteen years for each employee.  The employees work here because we like it here, like the area, like the management and work well together as a very cohesive and able team.

    In closing, we would like to thank the citizens of Crestline for their support and encourage everyone to attend the Board meetings even though we know it is difficult due to the time of day they are scheduled.  You, the citizens of Crestline, are the ones that need to participate and take note of what is happening at these Board meetings because ultimately it is your money being spent. 

Thank you, The Employees of Crestline Sanitation District        


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