Ever wonder how much a
sign spinner makes? You’ve no doubt seen them; young, athletic people with signs performing acrobatic maneuvers to direct attention to residential developments, etc… This type of advertising has really caught on and is being used nationwide. There are countless videos on
YouTube highlighting these workers skills. The
best sign spinners compete against each other in an
annual competition that takes place in San Diego, California. Starting pay is around $10 per hour with no benefits. Sign spinners move up in small increments of pay as they learn new tricks though an instructor can earn considerably more. It’s a fun job according to the people I spoke with and contrary to what you might think the workers themselves feel there is a real future in it.
Sign spinners endure
ridicule from passers by; it’s seasonal work, very physical, involves a certain amount of cuts and, they have no union representation.
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I'm a Sign Spinner. I work mostly part time on the weekends but I can get more consistent work during the summer. It's an easy job really. I usually work around 4 hours per gig and most Sign Spinners I know only use Coroplast Signs which seems to be an industry standard. If you decide to try it, make sure you have an MP3 player with you, time flies then.
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