Friday, November 28, 2008
How Will Wal-Mart Spin This?
Lines began to form as early as 10pm on Thanksgiving night. Lured by cheap prices for flat screen televisions and other consumer electronics witnesses say the crowd grew to over 2,000 people by morning. With secret in-store bargains enough for only the most desperate shoppers, WalMart associates found themselves the victims of the mega-corporations advertising hype. At 5am doors opened marking the beginning of the holiday shopping rush.
Surveillance cameras will undoubtedly reveal what happened when the crowd surged forward at the start of the aptly named Door-Buster Sale. As a result, at least one family will not be celebrating this Christmas. Video of the scene shows paramedics performing CPR on the man. He died minutes after Wal-Mart opened for their Black Friday Door Buster Sale.
No doubt the Wal-Mart War Room is filled with executives discussing how to spin this story. Instead of admitting they cut corners and hired too few security guards look for Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott to lay blame on the employee, local police or the struggling economy. Scott is set to retire on January 31st, 2009 to the relief of stockholders. He has a reputation for deflecting any criticism onto lower level associates. Reps are probably already in the field planting stories and pressuring local politicians like Wal-Mart has been known to do when community groups appose the opening of a mega-store in their neighborhood.
One thing is for sure, Wal-Mart won’t be calling it a “Black Friday Door Buster Sale” next year.” Look for them to have a much more peaceful name like “Early Bird Customer Appreciation Holiday Sale.” What do you bet they have a moment of silence for the fallen employee and lots and lots of security guards on hand? They might also finally close the store to the delight of many in the community. After all, out of sight out of mind right?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Author Offers Rebate for Destroying Competitor’s Books
For Immediate Release
Contact: Bob Oedy
Union Organizer Press
(818) 882-4364
Author Offers Rebate for Destroying Competitor’s Books
organizing books that provide no real world solutions. He offers a $10 rebate for the destruction of any competitor’s book to be used toward the purchase of his own book Bigger Labor; A Crash Course for Construction Union Organizers. All buyers need to do to receive the rebate is tear the cover off of any union organizing book and mail it in. The rebate offer is limited to one cover per copy purchased and represents a 50% discount off the retail price.
For more information go to .
New Hampshire to Dilute Diploma
My feeling is that it sells students short by depriving them of the education they need and deserve. Lowering the standards is not the answer to high drop-out rates and increasing education costs. Such a plan will only dilute the value of a
Here is what needs to be done instead........
Reinstitute shop classes and skilled trade related training. Reform the education system by investing in entrepreneurial and life skills. Give students choices in their own curriculum and then get out of their way.Monday, November 10, 2008
Another Grim Holiday for Workers at Circuit City

You may recall that last year around this same time I participated in a boycott against
In the last 12 months customers have complained about returns not being accepted and store warrantees not being honored. Store warranties are a lucrative part of any electronics retailer business model. With experienced salespeople replaced with less experienced sales staff, sales of the warranties collapsed.
The stock market and slowing economy dealt a final blow leaving management no choice but to capitulate. Sales this holiday season are expected to be the lowest they’ve been in decades. The problems are likely to spread to other companies like Hewlett Packard which is owed more than a 100 million dollars by the retailer. The value of commercial properties owned by Circuit City has also dropped.Sunday, November 2, 2008
Project Labor Agreement Adopted

Union Workers Support Obama